Friday, April 15, 2016

2 Etsy Sales!

Holy cow, boys and girls, I made two sales on Etsy. :D Call me butter, because I am on a -roll-! My shop is still really small because the only things that go up for sale are the things I dye and then decided I don't instantly need to spin them myself. Or give them to Jackie. There's only five things left in my shop right now! So I'm planning on getting hard to work this weekend, and trying out all sorts of new dyeing.

Jaime checked in to see what I wanted to do this weekend and I had no nice way to say, "I want to dye wool! Don't distract me!" so I encouraged him to take one of his weekend hiking trips. "Are you sure?" he kept asking. "I don't mind coming over". He doesn't realize that showing up this weekend will get him repurposed as a drying stand for wet wool.

I'll also be plying the 8 and a half ounces of huacaya alpaca singles I spun up in the last couple weeks.

This is the alpaca for Jaime's hat which I washed and have been carding and spinning for... just forever. Or two weeks. One of those. I knew I'd need about three ounces to knit the beanie (always rounding up) and I started carding and spinning and carding and spinning. I guess I had some vague idea of spinning it all at once and then splitting it or chain plying or something... but instead, I just kept carding and spinning. For... days. Basically, every night I came home from work and did about an ounce of carding and spinning. I finished two days ago and the singles have been resting on the bobbin.

But now, finally, I get to ply it. Mind you, those are the only three bobbins I have for the Prelude I spun the singles on, so I'll be plying on my beautiful Louet... and that means I should be able to ply it all onto one continuous bobbin. That's pretty cool. :) I forgot to measure Jaime's head so instead of immediately starting the hat I may do something drastic. Something terrible and unheard of.

... I might knit a swatch. Gasp.

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