Monday, March 21, 2016

Jackie's Got My Back

I'm supposed to close on my house sometime in the next two weeks (paperwork processing has me on tenterhooks) and I'm still not *totally* sure what the closing costs will be. I'm a fairly high strung soul to begin with so... this is not ideal for my personal happiness. I'm spending a lot of time looking at my bank account, counting on my fingers, and checking my documents. And trying very, very hard not to spend more than $15 between now and then.

Which is a darn shame because this weekend I'll be at the Carolina FiberFest. Now granted, I'll be spending most of Friday doing some spinning demos and on Saturday I'm doing a Sheep to Shawl demonstration... But I feel like there's still going to be time for me to wander through the festival, staring lustfully at all the beautiful fleeces and roving and yarns...

...Which I absolutely can not buy. D:

This is a disaster! What have I done to myself?! Why? Why?!

Faced with this sort of disaster, I immediately texted my stepmother. "Oh... Oh no, Jackie," I said. "I just realized I'm going to be at a fiber festival all of Friday and half of Saturday... with no money."

"What fiber festival?" Jackie asked, getting the important stuff out of the way right away. And then, "There's always a fiber festival at my house."

I'm pretty sure that's permission to rifle her stash and run off with the yarn and roving I like best. ;)

In other, slightly less hysterical news, I finished my socks this weekend.

These are not identical...
Jaime and I are on slightly shifted work-sleep schedules so he goes to bed before I do, like a sensible grown up. I was over at his place this weekend and got the toes finished up after he went to bed. This turned out to be key because an unexpected cold front rolled in. In March! It was 80 degrees all of last week and now I'm huddled up in my warm wool socks and hoodie. Ridiculous.

I take my spinning wheel to his place and it says something about my priorities that I packed an 8 ounce spinning project and two knitting projects... and then just threw half my laundry hamper into a duffel bag at the last minute. Which is how I wound up with one pair of shorts, one pair of pajama pants, one t-shirt, 16 panties, and 5 socks. Priorities.

I also left Jaime alone too long with my sock yarn...

I think he got bored. First he pretended to be performing surgery with the needles and yarn, then he fussed at me to remind him how to use chopsticks... then he started assembling Frankenbunny. When he demanded I pass him some stitch markers so that he could make a face, I decided it was time to put down my spinning and pay attention to him.

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